Fun Things To Do In Quarantine

Since we are all in quarantine and don't have much to do, I decided I would share with you all, some fun things you can do at home! I also hope all of you are staying home and staying safe at this time.

It's safe to say things are different right now, due to Covid-19. I think we are all waiting for a vaccine, but until then, we'd better stay home. During this time, we have tried our best to stay busy and have lots of fun! This list includes some things I like to do at home, and you might enjoy them!

1. Start a Blog or a Youtube Channel
One thing I think is so cool is that you can start a blog or a youtube channel of your own anytime! And, you can even do it for free! There are many videos and articles online that will give you instructions on how to start one if you are interested!

2. Find a New Hobby
I think that while you are at home, you have more time to try new things and discover new hobbies (While staying safe of course). You can practice dancing, singing, cooking, art, acting, new hairstyles, and more! These are all fun activities that I recommend trying!

3. Interact With Your Friends On Zoom/FaceTime
There are so many fun things that you can do online with your friends! Such as; decorating cookies, playing charades, and more!

4. Watch a Movie
Movie night is such a fun thing to do at home! You can pop some popcorn, grab some soda and enjoy the movie with your family!

5. Read a Book
I love reading! I think it is such an entertaining thing to do at home. It is also amazing for your brain and intelligence!

6. Try a New Recipe
It is so much fun to try a new recipe! Being in the kitchen, and cooking usually takes up lots of time and is a great thing to try when you are bored. I try new recipes all the time! The best part get to eat your delicious food when you finish! Yum! 😃

7. Play a Board Game
Board games are a fun and simple way to entertain yourself. There are many games to choose from, so you have many options! Another thing I like about board games is, anyone can play them! You can also schedule a game night every week! That is something we like to do.

8.Try a New Hairstyle
Trying a new hairstyle is so exciting! You can do so many creative things to your hair. From doing a simple trim, to dying your whole head of hair. Its always so exciting!

9. Spa Day
I think sometimes, we all need a spa day. It is so calming and relaxing. You can just take a warm shower, put on a facemask, and read your favorite book!

10. Yoga
I love doing yoga and I definitely recommend giving it a try. It is so calming and it gives you some exercise. It builds up your muscles and there are many different poses.

That will be the end of the list! I hope you enjoyed my first blog! Be sure to stay home and stay safe. Be sure to come back for more blogs! Thank you for reading!


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