10 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

 I have a lot of friends who have trouble falling asleep. I used to have trouble falling asleep all the time. I understand what that is like. When you have trouble falling asleep, it often messes up your sleep schedule and you end up waking up later than expected. Usually when you wake up late, you go to bed late. That just messes up your whole sleep schedule. 

 Even if your sleep schedule is messed up, you can still fix it! It may take a few days to get used to your new schedule, and that's okay! My sleep schedule was very messed up earlier in quarantine. These strategies helped me very much. If you have friends that have trouble
falling asleep, be sure to share with them these ways to fall asleep faster.

Falling asleep can be difficult right? Just read these 10 ways to help with that.

1. Stay off of electronics
I'm sure you have heard of this one. Using TVs, smartphones, laptops or other electronics before bed delays your body's internal clock, suppresses the release of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and makes it more difficult to fall asleep.

2. Read
Something you can do instead of using electronics, is read. Reading always puts me to sleep at night. I have heard that this does not work for everyone, but it works for some people. I recommend trying this, because it is such an easy way to fall asleep.

3. Use pillow mists
I use pillow mists almost every night. if you don't know what they are, it is a calming and relaxing mist that you can spray on your pillow. It smells so good and puts me right to sleep. 
If you are interested in getting them, you can get them here!

4. Wake up earlier
When I wake up earlier, I am usually tired by the time I have to go to bed. But, when I wake up late, I usually have lots of energy and want to stay up later. So I recommend trying to wake up earlier. 

5. Lower the temperature
Your body cools down as you lay down, and warms up as you get up. If your room is too warm, you might have a hard time falling asleep. I like to have the temperature around 70°F. 

6. Avoid looking at the clock
Lots of people will wake up in the middle of the night, and when they keep looking at the clock, they will have a hard time falling back asleep. This behavior may cause anxiety about sleeplessness.

7. Listen to relaxing music or rain
Something that is sure to put me to sleep is the sound of rain. It is so calming and I absolutely love rain and storms. 😂 Most people think I am crazy when I say that. But I have always thought rain and storms were just so calming!

8. Limit caffeine
It is very important to limit your caffeine because it can keep you awake. Caffeine can be found in foods and beverages like:
  • Chocolate
  • Sodas
  • Energy Drinks
  • Coffee

9. Sleepy tea
I have never used sleepy tea, but my friends say it works very well. It has some very good reviews, and I think it would be something good to try.

10. Try aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is based on the usage of aromatic materials, such as essential oils. It is very relaxing and often puts me to sleep. You can use things like, aromatherapy lotiondiffusers, and much more. 

I hope you enjoyed 10 Ways To Fall Asleep Faster. Thank you so much for reading this blog post! Be sure to stay tuned and come back for more posts. Comment down below if you use any of these methods and if they work for you! Have a wonderful day!


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