15 Free Stock Photo Sites for Your Blog

 When you have a blog, you will most likely add pictures to your post. If you are like me, then you probably aren't the best at taking pictures. The lighting in my house is not very good. This is why I like to use free stock photos. You can find some websites that will allow you to download pictures to use on your blog, for free. 

 If you are looking to put pictures on your blog that you didn't make, be sure that you use them from free stock photo websites. You don't want to be caught up in a copyright problem! Some of these websites will have options that you can pay for, but they will also have free photos. I use most of these websites to find free stock photos for my blog. They have some breathtaking photos! 

 It's wonderful how we can just download these beautiful pictures for free! I am so thankful for these amazing websites. Lots of popular bloggers use these free stock photos. This is something that I wish I knew before I started my blog. When I first started, I took my own pictures and they were not the best! 😂 

 You should never just screenshot a photo that you find on the internet, and put it on your blog. This is something that could cause copyright problems. Lots of bloggers have made these mistakes, so we have to be careful. As long as you make sure that you are either taking your own photos, or using free stock photos from websites like this, you are all good! 

Here are some of the best free stock photo websites!

Unplash is definitely one of my favorites. It has thousands of high quality free stock photos.

Canva is a bit different from other websites, you have your own account! 

I definitely use Pixabay the most. It has so many photos. They have free photos, and some you may have to pay for.

StockSnap.io has some breathtaking photos. I definitely recommend looking on this website.

Foter is based off of home ideas and has some amazing free stock photos.

The Stocks
The Stocks has really cool photos, and they have so many!

Pickup Image
Pickup Image has some beautiful photos! I download their photos all the time!

Styled Stock
Styled Stock is one of my absolute favorites! 10/10 recommend!

Foodiesfeed has some very delicious pictures! If you aren't hungry now, you will be after looking at their yummy photos!

Scatter Jar
Scatter Jar is another website that has so many delicious pictures. Yum!

Mazwai has some magnificent photos!

Life of Pix
Life of Pix has splendid photography!

Flickr has some very unique photos!

Photostockeditor has a variety of absolutely amazing photos!

Reshot has very beautiful and unique photos.

Pexels is one of my all time favorites. It has beautiful nature photos, and lots of yoga and exercise pictures.

And those are all of the free stock photo websites I have for you today. Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to look at the other posts on my blog! Have an amazing day!


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