7 Ways to Stay Productive & Organized

 Sometimes it can be hard to stay productive and organized. I understand. Almost everyone has a busy schedule with things they need to do. Lots of times it's hard to find the time to be productive and organized. It is especially hard because there is a lot of crazy things happening due to the coronavirus. But, since we must stay home, we might as well get the best of quarantine and be productive. 

 I like to organize, because it gets frustrating when there is a big mess in your room. I also like to have a schedule so I get everything done, and make sure I have time. Sometimes it's a bit hard to stick to your schedule, because something might come up, and that's totally fine! That happens to me all the time!

What does it mean to be productive and organized?

When you are productive, that means you do a lot. The word productive often describes a person's capability to do a lot of work, but it can refer to anything that produces a lot. When you are organized, you know where various items are, you are aware of what you are doing and you definitely know where you are going. Being organized is not just a term, but it is an act.

Here are ways to stay productive and organized! 

1. Bullet Journal

You have probably heard of bullet journaling. The Bullet Journal is a method of personal organization developed by designer Ryder Carroll. The system organizes scheduling, reminders, to-do lists, brainstorming, and other organizational tasks into a single notebook. This is very good for if you want to be productive and organized. You can customize your bullet journal and add details of your own. Every bullet journal is different. If you want to know how to start a bullet journal, you can read my blog post; How to Start Bullet Journaling.

2. Try to Have a Schedule 

Having a schedule is extremely helpful. You can write down all of the things you need to do that day, and make sure you have time to get them done. Try to have some extra room on your schedule in case something comes up, or if you need to move things around. You can keep your schedule in a planner, a bullet journal, etc.  

3. Do not Procrastinate

Procrastinating is something that a lot of people do, and I used to procrastinate all the time. Thanks to having a good and organized schedule, I do not do it nearly as much. When you procrastinate, it can become a habit. And you do not want to make procrastination a habit. Just remember that if you don't get it done now, it will probably be harder to find time for it later.

4. Stay Healthy 

It is extremely important to stay healthy. It is so much easier to be productive when you are happy and healthy. You can do this by making sure you get enough sleep, drink water, have a balanced diet and exercise. 

5. Have a To-do List

Having a to-do list is so simple and helpful. It's good to have lists so you can stay on track and make sure you are tackling all of your responsibilities. I use simple to-do lists all the time, so I am sure not to forget what I need to do!

6. Keep Things Neat

I know it can be hard, but it is such a good feeling to keep things neat and organized. You can just take some time out of your day to organize your things! If you always keep it neat, you know where everything is and there is never a big mess.

7. Make Time For Everything

Sometimes my schedule can get crazy, I can't be the only one! When you have so much to do and don't know how you are going to do it all. You have to make sure you have time for everything, so you are not stressed! This is extremely important! Even if you can't do as many things as you thought you could in one day, that's okay! You will have time to finish it up the next day!

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