Reviewing Skincare Brands | My Favorite and Least Favorite

 Everyone loves having flawless skin that feels so good, right? Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right skincare brand for you. On the internet, there are so many things about different skincare products and how certain ones are not good for your skin. Of course, these things you find on the internet are not always correct! When it comes to skincare, it's really more about what is good for your skin.

 Some of the skincare brands that I have used in the past, definitely did not work for me. It may have worked for some, but not everyone. Everyone's skin is different so that is what makes it hard to choose a skincare product that is right for you. So today, I am going to be sharing with you guys some of my favorite skincare brands that work for me. Keep in mind that they may not work for others because everyone is different, and that's okay! It may take some time to find the right products for your skin. 

 I haven't used too many skincare brands. The ones that I have used, all worked a bit differently on my skin. There are some products that I really recommend not putting on your face, because I have experienced them. If you have had a bad experience with a skincare product, you know how it feels! 

 Someone may tell you to use a certain brand, and only that brand just because it worked for them. But that doesn't mean that it will work for you! Everyone's skin is different in it's own special way. Someone else's skin may react differently with a product that you used.

 Something that is always important to have is sunscreen. It is very important to protect your skin from the sun. I like using a higher SPF so you can protect your skin from the sun as much as possible. I use an oil free 110 SPF for my face. It works very well, and I definitely recommend using it.

 I will link the products I used when I mention them in the post. I will also link all of them at the end if you would like to buy any of them.

1. CeraVe

 I recently started using CeraVe. It is my all time favorite skincare brand. I recommend this brand because it has products for everyone. It has products for people with oily skin, dry skin, and pretty much everyone's skin. I used the Foaming Facial Cleanser for Normal to Oily Skin. CeraVe was so gentle and calming on my skin. It made my skin feel refreshed and clean. It felt like it really got rid all of the dirt and excess oil that was on my face. This was definitely the best cleanser I have ever used. After I washed my face with this amazing cleanser, I used the Oil Free Facial Moisturizing Lotion with 30 SPF. This moisturizer was unbelievable. It felt absolutely amazing on my skin. It was so comforting and calming. It was unlike any moisturizer I have ever used, but to be fair, I have only ever used two other moisturizers. 😂

2. Cetaphil

 Cetaphil is a very good brand that I used for a while. I used their Extra Gentle Daily Scrub. This was a pretty basic face wash. It worked well and kept my face nice and clean. I was overall very satisfied with this scrub. I liked how it was very gentle unlike some scrubs that are not very gentle at all. It was nice and soothing on my skin. I also used their Pro Oil Removing Foam Wash. I liked this one a lot because it did a very good job on controlling the oil in my skin. It did it's job without drying out my skin. I liked how it was foamy, light and very easy to massage into my skin. It was a nice and light texture that lasted a very long time. I recommend this foam wash for anyone with oily skin.

3. Clean and Clear

I did not have the best experience with clean and clear. I used their Clean & Clear Brightening Gel Facial Cleanser and it wasn't very soothing and gentle on my skin. I have heard that it works for some people, but for me it made my skin feel dried out. One thing that I didn't really like was some of the ingredients in the cleanser. I would rather not put those ingredients on my face. I used the Dual Action Facial Moisturizer. This moisturizer didn't feel very normal on my skin. It kind of made my skin feel cold in a weird way. I wasn't sure about the ingredients in this one either. Overall I don't think I would be using this again. But that is just how my skin reacted to it. I know many people who enjoy these products.

Those are the skincare brands that I have used. I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Remember, everyone's skin is different and everyone's skin will react differently. This was just based on my experience with these products. If you would like to buy any of these products or look more into them, I will thing them below. Be sure to check out the other posts on my blog. Thanks again for reading this blog post, enjoy your day!

The CeraVe cleansers and moisturizers can be purchased here!

The Cetaphil Extra Gentle Daily Scrub can be purchased here!

The Cetaphil Pro Oil Removing Foam Wash can be purchased here!

The Clean and Clear Brightening Gel Facial Cleanser can be purchased here!

The Clean and Clear Dual Action Facial Moisturizer can be purchased here!


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